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Emotion Sense

The Emotion Sense app for Android was part of a research project that ran between 2011-2016. The app collected participant's self-reported moods, thoughts, and symptoms, while passively measuring their physical activity sociability, and mobility via their device's sensors.

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A Global Happiness-Tracking Research Project

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Recent Publications

Happier People Live More Active Lives: Using Smartphones to Link Happiness and Physical Activity To appear, in PLoS ONE. Accepted July 2016 N. Lathia, G. M. Sandstrom, C. Mascolo, P. J. Rentfrow

Opportunities for Smartphones in Clinical Care: The Future of Mobile Mood Monitoring To appear, The Journal of Clinical Psychiatry. May 2015. G. Sandstrom, N. Lathia, C. Mascolo, P. J. Rentfrow

Contextual Dissonance: Design Bias in Sensor-Based Experience Sampling Methods . In ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing. Zurich, Switzerland. September 8-12, 2013. N. Lathia, K. Rachuri, C. Mascolo, P. Rentfrow.

Smartphones for Large-scale Behaviour Change Interventions. In IEEE Pervasive Computing 12(3), Special Issue on Understanding and Changing Behavior. N. Lathia, V. Pejovic, K. Rachuri, C. Mascolo, M. Musolesi, P. J. Rentfrow.

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